Once your application is deployed in production and has been running for some time, it will be useful to be able to track sending Kpis and check that user behavior is in line with what you expect.
As the person responsible for your application, it is your responsibility to ensure that the volumes of mailings are consistent, that your emails and sms are well delivered and that your customers interact with your communications as desired.
Example :
This will allow you to adjust your triggering strategy, your content to ensure that the objective of your communications is met.
Keep in mind that this remains a customer solicitation, and if it does not create value, then it is better to leave the place to others.
In ICheck front office, after going in the Event list for your application, you will be able to have KPIs for each event.
By default, info will come from the last 7 days But you have the possibility to adjust the period. The available KPIs will be:
Additionally for the email with :
To be able to track the open and click activity associated to your email it depends on some elements linked to the event definition.
Verify that you HTML content the good AMPSCRIPT tag for open tracking.
Verify that you stick the box on your trigger definition in Salesforce
Refer you to the section : “ICheck as a content manager” if needed.
You can access direclty more precise KPI in Salesfoce, you have to select the Business Unit corresponding to your country first.
For a general Report about all the SMS triggers of one country